Course Summary Details
Class: NMIX 4510 – New Media Capstone Course
Enrolled: Fall 2021
Course Summary: During the New Media Capstone course, I was placed into a group of five students where we worked all semester long on a client-based project. As a group, we were presented a problem which we took and developed a new media solution to it. By exploring and implementing new technologies, specifically haptic technology, my group developed the app Realistic. Developing this app in this course allowed me to gain skills in communication with teammates and clients, delegation in tasks, professional-level presentation, development, and design skills, along with emerging technology exploration. Collectively, our group used Adobe Aftereffects, Photoshop, Xd, and Canva for all design, public relations, marketing, presentation, and advertising purposes. We also created a landing page for our app using Bootstrap. The app itself was developed in Swift. All of these newly developed skills pushed me out of my comfort zone and elevated my development in the field personally and professionally.